See part 1 of our trip here, and part 2 here.
We only spent one day/night in D.C. but it was one of the most beautiful days of the entire trip. Cold, but the leaves were gorgeous...
We only spent one day/night in D.C. but it was one of the most beautiful days of the entire trip. Cold, but the leaves were gorgeous...
^The photo on the left is on the bus from NYC to Philadelphia and the one on the right is the early morning bus from Philadelphia to D.C. ...Someone get that girl a nap and a coke! (Don't worry I looked more alive after lunch).
^This little guy wanted to join in on the fun. He sat right by Jake on the bench to eat a snack.
^The only time I had ever been to D.C. before this trip was one day during a church history tour in High School. I had been anxiously waiting to see the Holocaust Memorial Museum, and as soon as I arrived at the doors they closed for the day because of electrical complications from the rain. I was devastated, so being able to spend hours there this time was huge for me.
^Look closely at the picture on the right and you can see how the sunset made the Washington Monument glow! So awesome.
We left the next morning saying, "We haaave to go back!" This time for more than one day.
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