December is always busy, but this was the busiest Christmas season I have ever had. A few days before Christmas, Jake and I were talking after a crazy day and I looked back at my calendar and realized it had been 3 weeks since we had a day or evening with nothing scheduled and no where to be. This little tree that we bought when we were first married somehow survived another year even though we ALWAYS say we are going to get a new one. Maybe next year we will try a real one!...

^This was after one of Jake's work party dinners at Joe's Stone Crab in the Forum Shops. We look forward to this dinner all year- they have the best King crab legs everrrr.

^I made soup early on that got us through a few nights and discovered Red Pears!

^My amazing friend Tyree every December puts together a service project for the homeless downtown. A group of us put together these bags full of sandwiches, trail mix, beef jerky, hats, gloves, socks, and homemade cookies and passed them out the next morning. My mother in law Janae came with me that day and it was the most eye-opening and incredible experience. We had 300 bags and they were all gone within 10 minutes. The people were so thankful, but as we drove home all we could think about was the fact that in 3 hours, they would be hungry again and searching for their next meal. All our worries seemed so small, and we were reminded that just the simple fact that we have food to eat makes us more blessed than a huge percentage of the world. We promised each other we wouldn't wait another year to do more. I'm so glad Tyree did all the work she did to put this together so that we as the participants could have our eyes opened to how abundantly blessed we are on a daily basis and how much we are needed even in our own backyard. I'm confident that this helped me more than it did anyone on that street.
Another similar experience we had as a family was put together by my angel mother in law Janae. She found two families that were in desperate financial need and we were able to shop and get the children gifts and deliver them along with food for the families. I'm so glad I have people in my life that take the initiative to serve and let me be apart of it so I can experience the true meaning of the season. They have inspired me to actually be the one to take the initiative and not just hang on the coattails of others!

^I got my wrapping done last minute which ended up being a good thing because all of the Christmas wrapping and decor was 50% off at Hobby Lobby! I always keep kraft paper in my supply because it works for everything, but to spruce it up I got some ribbon and a full branch and cut off sprigs for each present. I love how it turned out! Hooray for sales!

We spent Christmas with the Runyons and it was SO FUN…especially with my adorable nieces Reese and Elle. Christmas through a child's eyes is 1000% more magical. I love the little humans in my life! That is Keith and Janae's tree.. photos don't even come close to doing it justice! It was gorgeous! I'm sad I didn't get more pictures. My camera lens broke during our last trip and I still have yet to get it fixed because I'm scared for the cash I'm going to have to shell out..Ha.
I can't believe it is New Year's Eve already. I will always have a special place in my heart for 2014 and all it brought me, but I'm looking forward and ready for a new year! Wishing all things good to you and yours!
Serving others is one of the best gifts to give and receive as a family. Our family shared a similar experience over the holidays and while its humbling, it's equally beautiful understand gratitude. Your Hobby Lobby tip is one I have to remember for next year.
ReplyDeleteAny idea where your in-laws purchased the flocked tree?
Texas Jak
It really was the best gift for me this year! And the tree is actually real! I want a flocked one as well so I'll let you know if I find any good deals online!